Monday 13 October 2014

Alcohol poisoning deaths among Teenagers: Are Girls Safe?

Alcohol is widely promoted and used around the world. In fact, it is the most widely used teen drug among the youth in the U.S-abused more than tobacco and other illicit drugs. While it is illegal for persons under the age of 21 to drink, statistics in teenage drug addiction indicates that 11% of the alcohol that is consumed in the United States is by people who are aged between 12 and 20.

The early teen drug and alcohol abuse can cause a wide range of problems or even aggravate the already existing ones. Statistics available through the NCADD Fact Sheet indicate that there are over 5,000 people aged below 21 who die yearly as a result of underage drinking. This is on top of another 1,900 persons who die as a result of road crashes and another 1,600 who die as a result of homicide. According to the statistics in teen drug use, there are other 300 underage persons who die as a result of suicide. There are also hundreds of persons who die from other injuries such as burns, drowning and falls.

There are around 600,000 college students who get unintentionally injured while under the influence of alcohol. Another 700,000 students get assaulted by their fellow students who have been drinking. There are around 100,000 students who become victim of sexual assault that is alcohol related. Despite these mind-boggling statistics, there are over 11,000 teenagers who try to use alcohol in the United States every day for the first time. There are also over 4 million teens that drink alcohol every month.

Statistics in teenage drug abuse indicate that teenagers are more likely to binge drink than adults. This is a high risk drinking that can result in alcohol poisoning. Every year, there are hundreds of students who die from alcohol intoxication while thousands of others are admitted to emergency rooms. In the recent past, there has been an increase in cases of alcohol poisoning in high schools and college campuses. To make the matter worse, girls are also not safe and there have been cases of alcohol poisoning deaths among college and high school girls. Some of the common symptoms of alcohol poisoning include:

Unconsciousness or being semi-conscious
Slow respiration
Cold, pale, clammy or bluish skin

These symptoms are usually accompanied by strong odors of alcohol. If you come across a person who is suffering from alcohol poisoning, you should contact 911 immediately. While waiting for the emergency help, let the intoxicated person sleep on his or her side to prevent choking.

If your teenager is abusing alcohol, you should seek help in an adolescent drug treatment center. One such facility is Good Future Teen Rehab in Delray Beach, Florida. You can reach the best rehab center in Florida by calling 866-806-9150 or through their website,  The teen drug rehab center has been helping young people recover from drug and alcohol abuse for years, and has many success stories.